Welcome to the VIPER Group
Hi - nice to see you here! I am Dr. Nicole E. Basta, PI of the Vaccines, Infectious disease Prevention & Epidemiology Research (VIPER) Group currently at McGill University.
We conduct epidemiologic research designed to generate actionable evidence to ensure that we have the tools and information we need to prevent and control a wide range of infectious disease threats & to promote health and well-being worldwide.
I invite you to take a look around, explore our research, and meet our team.

Dr. Nicole E. Basta, PhD MPhil
Associate Professor with Tenure
Canada Research Chair in Infectious Disease Prevention (Tier 2)
Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health
School of Population and Global Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
McGill University
Montréal, Québec, Canada